Rhinos are one of largest animals on the planet. This is a unique representative of the fauna of the world, massive and large-scale in its volume. A kind of small armed and armored fortress running on four legs. This species of animals appeared on our planet about several million years ago, while experts note the fact, that many fossil species of rhinos were deprived of the main feature – availability of a horn in the nasal region.
Fact number one.
There are only five species of rhinos left on the Earth. These species include: Indian, Javanese and Sumatran – in Asia, black and white – in Africa. All species of rhinos are in danger of extinction and listed in the Red Book.
Fact number two.
The rhino is the second largest land animal after the elephant. The length of his body is on average from four to four and a half meters, height from one to two meters, and weight from two to four tons.
Fact number three.
The rhino has very thick skin – up to one and a half centimeters thick. Despite, the skin is very thick, it is quite sensitive to sunlight and insect bites. Rhinos often roll the mud to protect themselves from the scorching sun and annoying insects.
Fact number four.
The horn of these animals isn’t bone, as you might think, looking at it, but consist of a high-strength protein – keratin, contained in our hair and nails. His horn grows during whole life. The longest recorded rhino horn was one meter and fifty-two centimeters.
Fact number five.
Rhinos have poor eyesight. Because of that they poorly distinguish surrounding objects, but thanks to a well-developed sense of smell and excellent hearing, they orient themselves remarkably in space, and also sense the approach of the enemy from afar.
Fact number six.
Rhinos are principally nocturnal and feed only on plants. Animals can overcome long distances in search of food. To eat up, a rhino needs at least seventy kilograms of vegetation per day.
Fact number seven.
Among all species of rhinos, the most aggressive are the black ones. This is especially true for males. The often enter in hassles with other males, and about fifty percent of these hassles end in the death of one of the animals. Among females, rates aren’t better. They also show aggression in relation to other females, and about thirty percent of the hassles between them also end in the death of one of the rhinos.
Fact number eight.
Females breed approximately every two to five years. Usually there is one baby in a litter. The gestation period varies from fifteen to sixteen months. Rhino cubs are born without horns at all. After birth, the mother feeds the baby with milk for about a year, although he can already eat grass from the age of a week. Somewhere at the age of three, the baby becomes completely independent and leaves his mother.
Fact number nine.
Living in the wild, such animals live no more than three decades, although in captivity they can live longer. In any cases these rates depend on the species of mammals, and also from comfortable living conditions.
Fact number ten.
In Asia, there is a great demand for rhino’s horns. They are used for precious items and in traditional Chinese medicine. Rhino horn medicine is highly valued and included in traditional Chinese recipes, including elixirs of longevity and «immortality». Due to the existence of this market, rhinoceroses are under the threat of extinction.
September 22 marks the ecological holiday World Rhino Day, called to draw the attention of mankind to the problem of the extinction of such a now rare animal.