10 facts about the Tiger : Exploring the Wilderness World

Tigers are one of the largest cats living in the wild.
What do we know about these amazing cats?

Fact number one.

Tigers are the largest of the cat family. At the same time, the sizes of tigers vary greatly. The largest is the Siberian tiger, it grows up to three and a half meters in length and has about three hundred kilograms of weight, and the smallest is the Sumatran tiger, only up to two meters in length and about one hundred kilograms of weight.

Fact number two.

Tigers can jump six meters long and five meters high. Their muscular legs are very strong. Tigers can run at a maximum speed of sixty kilometers per hour.

Fact number three.

Different types of tigers have different colors. White, golden, black and even blue. There is unconfirmed data of the existence of blue tigers, the so-called Maltese.

Fact number four.

The eyes of tigers have round pupils. This is their difference from domestic cats, the pupils of which look like slits. All because of that domestic cats are nocturnal, while tigers are twilight, they hunt mainly in the morning or evening hours. Most tigers have yellow eyes, but white tigers can be and blue eyes for the reason that gen of blue eyes connected with the gen of white fur.

Fact number five.

Tigers usually don’t growl on another animals. They communicate between each other using a roar. When tiger is going to attack, he doesn’t growl, but usually hisses or snorts

Fact number six.

In the tiger’s family, females and cubs primarily eat. When several tigers catch one big prey, males will almost always wait for females and cubs to eat first. This is their distinguishing features from lions, which do the opposite. Tigers rarely argue or fight over prey, they just wait their turn.

Fact number seven.

Every tiger have distinctive pattern on the head. The markings on the tiger’s forehead resemble a Chinese hieroglyph meaning “king”, that gives the tiger cultural status as a regal animal. The stripes of each tiger are as unique as human fingerprints.

Fact number eight.

Tigresses are only fertile for five days a year. For this time, they often copulate. Their pregnancy lasts a little more than three months, and they usually give birth to two or three cubs. The first week of the life tiger cubs completely blind, about half of them don’t live to adulthood.

Fact number nine.

Tigers prefer to hunt large prey from an ambush. If you will look in tiger’s eyes, he is unlikely to attack, because the element of surprise will be lost. In India, many people traditionally wear masks on the back part of their head while walking through the forest to prevent tigers attacking from behind.

Fact number ten.

Tigers are solitary animals. Only tigresses spend some time in a group with cubs until they get stronger.

Global Tiger Day, often called International Tiger Day, is an annual celebration to raise awareness for tiger conservation, held annually on 29 July. It was created in 2010 at the Saint Petersburg Tiger Summit in Russia. The goal of the day is to promote a global system for protecting the natural habitats of tigers and to raise public awareness and support for tiger conservation issues. International Tiger Day has been shown to be effective in increasing online awareness on tigers through information search.

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